Visique Eye Spy | Blog


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Finding the Perfect Pair of Sunglasses

When it comes to protecting your eyes, sunglasses are essential. From protection against macular degeneration and skin cancer, to reduced risk of cataracts and migraines, they’re not just a fashion...

The Lowdown on Hayfever

It’s a word able to strike frustration into the hearts of many a kiwi: hay fever. That pesky, seasonal allergy that carries with it itching, sniffing, blocking and general discomfort...

Keeping your eyes healthy

This month’s blog is all about eye health. For many of us, eye health isn’t something we regularly think about. We go about our days, taking our vision as a...

Your Essential Eye Check-Up Guide

When it comes to looking after your eyes, being proactive is key. We’ve covered essential eye health tips, the various conditions that can affect your vision, and the daily practices...